New Squarespace Navigation Menu (October 2023) Again!

laptop with Squarepace platform menu

Squarespace has just rolled another navigation menu update (October 2023). If this feels like deja vu, you’re not losing it; they had a major navigation overhaul two months ago.

Navigation menu items are more nested (a nice way of saying buried) than they used to be. So here is a video overview of the current set up:

Use the screenshots below for a quick reference to what can be found in the most common tabs:

At the bottom of your main navigation, you will find quick links for:

  • Asset Library - all the photos and graphics on your site

  • Settings - all the non-design details like Billing, Domains, etc.

  • Help - a link to the Squarespace Help page

  • Your profile photo - this will take you to your Squarespace account dashboard.

  • Select Website to access your website pages. This is where you’ll add and edit pages and page elements.

  • Within the Website tab, scroll to the very bottom to find System Pages, Website Tools, and Trash

  • Systems Pages houses your 404 page,Sock Screen and Checkout

  • Website Tools housed your custom code and your website messaging tools like your announcement bar.

  • Trash will house any pages, products, portfolio project, or blog posts you deleted in the last 30 days. If you accidentally omitted a post, go there to restore it.

Previously, you could access your site styles through the "design" tab on the left panel. But that tab is now gone. Instead, you'll find a paintbrush icon at the very top right hand corner. Click on it, and it will open up your site styles, where you can modify fonts, colors, and animations to customize your website's appearance.

TIP of the YEAR💡If you’re having trouble finding what you need, use the forward slash “ / " button to bring up a search bar. Type in what you're looking for, like "announcement bar," and it will take you there.

So, don't be alarmed if you see some differences in Squarespace's navigation menu. The new layout is designed to make things even more convenient for you. If you have any questions or need help navigating these changes, feel free to reach out.

Ready to optimize the blog on your Squarespace Website? I can help.

Angie Allen

I plan and build websites for real estate agents, interior designers, and home industry professionals.

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